Interested in becoming a foster parent in Las Vegas, NV? Welcome to the web site that the Clark County Department of Family Services (DFS) hopes you never see!

You’ve probably seen all those TV commercials and YouTube videos about how foster parents are desperately needed in Las Vegas. Not to mention all the social media postings about how foster parents are so well thanked and appreciated, just how wonderful being a foster parent can be, and of course all the support you get from DFS. You are being lied to. Everything you see posted by DFS on social media/Facebook is a lie.

Clark County DFS is an incompetent, mismanaged, corrupt and essentially useless county government entity. DFS is all about power and control. They are not concerned about children in foster care. DFS exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to make YOUR life as a foster parent a complete living hell. In fact, being a foster parent in Las Vegas has nothing to do with your ability to take care of foster children, but rather, it’s what DFS staff thinks of you personally. DFS commonly tears apart sibling groups, defies court orders, falsely accuses foster parents of child abuse and license violations, and tries to destroy families – all to spite foster parents they do not like. As a foster parent, you will make a lot of sacrifices and volunteer countless hours only to be treated like a criminal by DFS.

A few tidbits DFS would rather you not know…

1. Many top level DFS staff are hardcore left wing nut jobs who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. They’ve done nothing but work for the government their whole lives. They push their wacky political agenda on foster children. Middle class, conservative foster parents who want to instill traditional family values in their homes automatically have targets on their backs. 

2. Many white women who work for DFS are obsessed with ghetto black culture. Teresa Cragon, the DFS child abuse investigator, is a blond white woman who has basically taken on the identity of a black woman. Then there are the white female DFS supervisors who are having sex with black men who run for-profit foster homes in the ghettos of North Las Vegas. They are easy to spot: braided hair, hoop earrings, 2-Pac shirts. They cannot get enough of the thug life.

3. DFS wants foster children stacked in houses in the ghetto where they simply vegetate and earn the foster parents tens of thousands of dollars in welfare benefits. DFS does not want children in middle class homes where they are properly taken care of and treated as members of the family. Houses in the ‘hood with tin foil on the windows and cars on blocks in the front yard are welcome. 5,000sf houses in Southern Highlands in gated communities are not wanted.

4. The entire foster care system is a money making machine. For-profit foster care agencies hold the majority of licenses, Medicaid spends millions of dollars on prescription medicine as every foster child has “Autism”, foster parents can easily make $90,000/yr tax free by stacking kids in their house. Let’s not forget the six figure salaries DFS employees get paid. It’s all about the $$$ not about the foster children.

5. Most of the children in foster care suffer severe behavior and mental problems. This is due to suffering years of abuse. They are born into a life of crime, grime, and poverty. They are taught to lie, cheat, and steal to survive. Having a foster child in your house will be a nightmare – and you will get ZERO support from DFS.

Teresa Cragon fails at attempt to have this web site taken down! Court rules in favor of free speech! CLICK HERE for details!

Recently Settled Lawsuit Proves DFS Knowingly Used False Evidence Against Foster Parent

A Clark County foster parent who was falsely accused of abusing their foster child by a third party files lawsuit after dealing with harassment from Teresa Cragon and being testified against by LeighAnne Westenkirchner and AG Amity Dorman in a legal proceeding. The truth comes out, DFS tries to hide it. Read all the important details here that DFS wants to make sure no one ever finds out.


Want your foster children out of foster care an in your custody? Sue DFS in Family Court. DFS will fight it with all their might, but you have the right to do so using Nevada’s ‘fictive kin’ law. Click Here for details.

Has a false child abuse complaint been filed against you? You can obtain the identity of the person who filed the complaint and sue them. DFS does not want you to know any of this. Click Here for details.

Meet the Tyrants Who Run DFS at the Top

DFS staff are the most vile, vindictive, hateful, power driven ass wipes you’ll find in any government job. Not to mention overpaid and incompetent.  Here are a few of the top turds at DFS and their backgrounds…

Teresa Cragon las Vegas


Teresa Cragon is a self proclaimed “expert” in child abuse investigations. She earns $165,000/year thinking she is some kind hero. Even more ridiculous, this white woman thinks she’s a black woman. 

Learn her tactics and how to deal with her when she shows up at your front door. Teresa Cragon gets her own web site.

In January 2025 a court ruled that this web site is protected speech and Teresa’s Cragon’s pathetic attempt to have it taken down won’t happen. Sorry to hear that Teresa!

LEIGHANNE WESTENKIRCHNER LeighAnne Westenkirchner is the DFS foster home license violation investigator. She earns $101,000/yr and has been harassing foster parents for years, including insulting and berating foster parents. She fabricates false license violations against foster parents and uses known false allegations against foster parents. LeighAnne is a Black Lives Matter supporter, and loves accusing white foster parents of being “racists”, hates law enforcement, and hates the USA. LeighAnne gets her own web site.  


Jennifer Erbes is a supervisor at DFS. She has ordered sibling groups separated, ordered foster children back into homeless shelters, and tears apart families – all because she doesn’t like certain foster parents.

A typical government employee on a power trip.


Christine Kelleher is a supposed neutral arbitrator that oversees administrative hearings and foster home license revocation hearings. She is fully aware of how DFS treats foster parents, including the fabrication of false violations.

Even when evidence shows DFS is wrong, has lied, and has treated foster parents like garbage, she almost always finds in favor of DFS. 

Christine Kelleher is a managing partner of the Las Vegas-based family law firm Kelleher & Kelleher.